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Thursday 8 September 2016

Sample of Pre-Interview Form

Pre-Interview  Questions

Name              :- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Job Position     :- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

      Date                :- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

        Please Answer  The Following

1.      How did you hear about us ?
2.      Why are you interested to join our organization?
3.      What are the two most important things in your view ,that our organization does?
4.      What do you consider to be a strength of yours?
5.      What do you consider to be a weakness of yours?
6.      Tell me why you think you would be a good fit for this position :
7.      What are your professional goals for the next 5 years?
8.      Are you interested in further professional development?
9.      Do you own a personal computer and if so, what kind ?
10.  What software do you know now to operate?
11.  Do you have a fax machine ?  Yes or No.
12.  Do you use an Email-Program? Yes or No
13.  Are you comfortable working in a faith based organization?
14.  Describe any education or formal job training that you possess that relates to this position?
15.  What personal qualities do you possess that would ensure your success in this position?

16.  What drew you apply to this position?

17.  Why do you want to work for our company?

18.  What is your education and experience? How is it applicable to this position?
19.  Do you have leadership quality? Yes or No.

20.  What kind of work environment do you live in?

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Top 100 Interview Questions

Job Interview Questions

1:    Tell me about yourself.
2:    Where do you see yourself in five years?
3:    Are you willing to relocate?
4:    Are you willing to travel?
5:    Are you willing to work overtime?
6:    What book are you currently reading?
7:    What is the last movie that you saw?
8:    What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?
9:    What do you like to watch on television?
10:  What jobs did you have as a teenager?
11:   Who are your references?
12:   May I contact your references?
13:   Will you take a lie-detector test?
14:   How do you feel about air travel?
15:   Have you ever owned your own business?
16:   How is your health?
17:   What do you do to maintain your health?
18:   Do you have any physical problems that limit your abilities?
19:   What organizations are you a member of?
20:   How do you balance career and family?
21:   What is your greatest strength?
22:   What is your greatest weakness?
23:   Do you work better alone or as part of a team?
24:    Do you consider yourself to be organized? Manage time well?
25:    Are you a risk-taker?
26.    Are you a self-starter?
27:    How do you react to criticism from supervisors?
28:    How well do you handle change?
29:    Are you opposed to doing a lot of routine work?
30:    How do you resolve disputes with co-workers ?
31:    What would you do if a supervisor asked you to do something wrong?
32:    What types of people do you have trouble getting along with?
33:    Why should we hire you?
34:    What reference books do you use at work?
35:    Have you ever held a position that wasn't right for you?
36:    What is your most significant career accomplishment?
37:    Are you comfortable working for a large company?
38:    Are you comfortable working for a small company?
39:    Why have you changed jobs so frequently?
40:    Tell me what you do on a typical day at work.
41:    Why do you want to leave your present employer?
42:    What did your last supervisor criticize most about your performance?
43:    Have you ever been fired or asked to resign?
44:    Who was your favorite boss and why?  Who was your least favorite boss?
45:    How could you improve your relationship with your least favorite boss?
46:    What is the most foolish thing you've ever done?
47:    Have any of your past employers refused to give you a reference?
48:    Aren't you overqualified for this job?
49:    What salary are you expecting?
50:    Why should we pay you the salary you're requesting?
51:    What do you know about our company?
52:    Why do you want this position?
53:    Why do you want to work for this company?
54:    When can you start?
55:    What is your commitment to this job?
56:    How long do you think you will work for us?
57:    Do you anticipate problems or just react to them?
58:    How do you handle (resolve) problems with co-workers?
59:    Are you considering offers from other employers?
60:    Is there anything else about you I should know?
61:    What have you heard about our company that you don't like?
62:    What aspect of this job appeals to you the least?
63:    How will you handle the parts of this job you like the least?
64:    What are you looking for in your next job?
65:    What did you do at your current (or last) job that increased profit, reduced
        expenses, or improved efficiency?
66:    Do you know who our major competitors are?
67:    How long have you been searching for a job?  Why haven't you received a
       job offer?  Why have you been unemployed for so long?
68:    What previously held job do you consider to be your favorite and why?
69:    Would you choose the same career if you could start over again?
70:    Why have you stayed with the same employer for so long?
71:    Why are there gaps in your employment history?
72:    Would your present employer be surprised to know you're job hunting?
73:    How would your co-workers describe you?
74:    Do you have any questions?

Job Interview Questions and Answers for Managers

75:  Have you ever fired anyone?
76:  How do you motivate employees?
77:  What is your management philosophy?
78:  What type of management style do you believe is most effective?
79:  What experiences have influenced your management style?
80:  Who have you patterned your management style after?

Job Interview Questions and Answers for College Students and Recent College Graduates

81:  Why did you decide to attend X College?  Are you happy with your choice?
82:  What factors did you consider in choosing your major?
83:  What is your GPA?  Do you feel it reflects your true abilities?
84:  How has your schooling (internships) prepared you for this position?
85:  If you had it to do over again, would you choose the same major?
86:  What was your favorite course in college and why?
87:  How did your college experience change you?
88:  Do you intend to further your education?
89:  Why were your grades not very good in school?
90:  Why didn't you participate in internship programs while in school?
91:  Why are you applying for a job unrelated to your internship experiences?
92:  Why are you applying for a job not related to your degree?
93:  What extracurricular activities did you participate in?

Illegal Job Interview Questions and Sample Answers

94:   How old are you?
95:   Are you married or single (separated or divorced)?
96:   How many children do you have?
97:   Are you planning to have (more) children?
98:   What is your religion?
99:   Have you ever been arrested?
100: What is your nationality?

Monday 22 February 2016

Refresh your mind

It's very important that you should refresh your mind during study after 1/2 or 1 hour because I think more than people can't concentrate his mind on any topic continuously.
So I am going to write some joke and shayari here, It's only for refresh your mind.

एक बार मुर्गियों के फार्म में निरीक्षण के लिए इंस्पेक्टर आया।
इंस्पेक्टर : तुम मुर्गियों को क्या खिलाते हो 
पहला मालिक: बाजरा
इंस्पेक्टर: खराब खाना, इसे गिरफ्तार कर लो
दूसरा: चावल
इंस्पेक्टर: गलत खाना इसे भी गिरफ्तार कर लो अब घोंचू की बारी आई...
घोंचू डरते-डरते बोला- हम तो जी मुर्गियोंको 5-5 रुपए दे देते हैं कि जो तुम्हारी मर्जी है जाकर खा लो

मैंने आपका नमक खाया है...
गब्बर (सांभा से) - कितने आदमी थे
सांभा - दो..., सरदार
गब्बर: मुझे गिनती नहीं आती, दो कितने होते हैं?
सांभा - सरदार दो, एक के बाद आता है।
गब्बर - और दो के पहले
सांभा - दो के पहले एक आता है सरदार।
गब्बर - तो बीच में कौन आता है
सांभा - बीच में कोई नहीं आता सरदार
गब्बर - तो फिर दोनों एक साथ क्यों नहीं आते?
सांभा - एक के बाद ही दो आ सकता है क्योंकि दो, एक से बड़ा है सरदार।
गब्बर - दो, एक से कितना बड़ा है।
सांभा - दो, एक से एक बड़ा है सरदार।
गब्बर - अगर दो, एक से एक बड़ा है तो एक, एक से कितना बड़ा है
सांभा - सरदार..! अब आप मुझे गोली ही मार दो। मैंने आपका नमक ही खाया है, च्यवनप्राश नहीं।

मैंने जब खुदा से कहा
तू मेरी दुआ भी कभी कुबूल कर दे...
उसने भी मुस्कुरा कर कह दिया
तू एक ही शक्श को मांगना छोड़ दे.....

कितनी  अजीब  जुदाई  थी कि तुझे अलवीदा  भी  ना  कह  सके,
तेरी  सादगी  में   इतना  फरेब था  की  तुझे  बेवफा  भी ना  कह सके..

किसी की याद आने का कोई बहाना नही होता
दोसतो जिदंगी का हर पल सुहाना नही होता
पास होना या दुर होना तो किसमत की बात है
पर दुर होने का मतलब अपनो को भुलाना नही होता

बहुत खूब सूरत है आंखे तुम्हारी
इन्हें बना दो किस्मत हमारी
हमें नहीं चाहिये ज़माने की खुशियाँ
अगर मिल जाये मोहब्बत तुम्हारी

मरते वक्त एक दोस्त ने लिखी दिल को चिर
डालने वाली बात,
मुझे जल्दी मत जला देना मेरे दोस्तों को लेट आने
की आदत है.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Some Important Run Commands

Windows + R

DescriptionRun Command
Accessibility Optionsutilman
control access.cpl
Add Hardware Wizardhdwwiz
Add/Remove Programs
(Add New Programs)
(Add Remove Windows Components)
(Set Program Access & Defaults )
appwiz.cplcontrol appwiz.cpl,,1
control appwiz.cpl,,2
control appwiz.cpl,,3
Administrative Toolscontrol admintools
Advanced User Accounts Control Panelnetplwiz
Authorization Managerazman.msc
Automatic Updatecontrol wuaucpl.cpl
Backup and Restore Utilitysdclt
Bluetooth Transfer Wizardfsquirt
Certificate Managercertmgr.msc
Character Mapcharmap
Check Disk Utilitychkdsk
Clear Type (tune or turn off)cttune
Color Managementcolorcpl.exe
Command Promptcmd
Component Servicesdcomcnfg
Computer ManagementCompMgmtLauncher.exe
Control Panelcontrol
Credential (passwords) Backup and Restore Wizardcredwiz
Data Execution PreventionSystemPropertiesDataExecutionPrevention
Date and Time Propertiestimedate.cpl
Device Managerhdwwiz
Device Pairing WizardDevicePairingWizard
Digitizer Calibration Tool (Tablets/Touch screens)tabcal
Direct X Control Panel (if installed)directx.cpl
Direct X Troubleshooterdxdiag
Disk Cleanup Utilitycleanmgr
Disk Defragmenterdfrgui
Disk Managementdiskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Managerdiskpart
Display Color Calibrationdccw
Display DPI / Text sizedpiscaling
Display Properties (Themes, Desktop, Screensaver)control desktop
Display Properties (Resolution, Orientation)desk.cpl
Display Properties (Color & Appearance)control color
Documents (open 'My Documents' folder)documents
Downloads (open 'Downloads' folder)downloads
Driver Verifier Utilityverifier
DVD Playerdvdplay
Edit Environment Variablesrundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
Encrypting File System Wizard (EFS)rekeywiz
Event Viewereventvwr.msc
File Signature Verification Tool (Device drivers)sigverif
Files and Settings Transfer Tool%systemroot%\system32\migwiz\migwiz.exe
Firewall Control Panelfirewall.cpl
Folders Propertiescontrol folders
Fonts listcontrol fonts
Font previewfontview arial.ttf
Game Controllersjoy.cpl
Local Group Policy Editorgpedit.msc
Internet Propertiesinetcpl.cpl
IP Configurationipconfig
iSCSI Initiator configurationiscsicpl
Keyboard Propertiescontrol keyboard
Language Pack Installerlpksetup
Local Security Policysecpol.msc
Local Users and Groupslusrmgr.msc
Log outlogoff
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Toolmrt
Microsoft Management Consolemmc
Access (Microsoft Office)msaccess
Excel (Microsoft Office)Excel
Powerpoint (Microsoft Office)powerpnt
Word (Microsoft Office)winword
Microsoft Paintmspaint
Microsoft Support Diagnostic Toolmsdt
Mouse Propertiescontrol mouse
Network Connectionscontrol netconnections
Connect to Network Projector
Switch projector display

ODBC Data Source Admin:
32-bit ODBC driver under 64-bit platform:
64 bit ODBC driver under 64-bit platform:

ODBC configuration - Install/configure MDAC driversodbcconf
On Screen Keyboardosk
OOB Getting Startedgettingstarted
Pen and Touch (Tablet/Pen input configuration)tabletpc.cpl
Performance Monitorperfmon.msc
Phone and Modem Optionstelephon.cpl
Phone Dialerdialer
Power Configurationpowercfg.cpl and powercfg.exe
Presentation SettingsPresentationSettings
Problem Steps Recorderpsr
Program Access and Computer Defaults - browser / email / mediacomputerdefaults
Printers and Faxescontrol printers
Print Management (.msc)PrintManagement
Printer Migration (backup/restore)printbrmui and printbrm.exe
Printer user interface (List all printui.dll options)printui
Private Character Editoreudcedit
Regional Settings - Language, Date/Time format, keyboard locale.intl.cpl
Registry Editorregedit
Remote Assistancemsra
Remote Desktopmstsc
Resource Monitorresmon
Resultant Set of Policyrsop.msc
Scheduled Taskscontrol schedtasks
Screenshot Snipping Toolsnippingtool
Security Centerwscui.cpl
Shared Folder Wizardshrpubw
Shared Foldersfsmgmt.msc
Shut Down Windowsshutdown
Software Licensing/Activationslui
Sounds and Audiommsys.cpl
Sound Recordersoundrecorder
Sound Volumesndvol
Syncronization Tool (Offline files)mobsync
System Configuration Utilitymsconfig
System File Checker Utility (Scan/Purge)sfc
System Informationmsinfo32
System Properties
sysdm.cpl SystemProperties
sysdm.cpl DisplaySYSDMCPL
System Properties - PerformanceSystemPropertiesPerformance
System Properties - HardwareSystemPropertiesHardware
System Properties - AdvancedSystemPropertiesAdvanced
System Repair - Create a System Repair Discrecdisc
System Restorerstrui
Task Managertaskmgr
Task Schedulertaskschd.msc
Telnet Clienttelnet
Trusted Platform Module Initialization WizardtpmInit

User Accounts (Autologon)
control userpasswords2
User Account Control (UAC) SettingsUserAccountControlSettings
User Profiles - Edit/Change typeC:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditUserProfiles
Windows Disc Image Burning Toolisoburn C:\movies\madmax.iso
Windows Explorerexplorer
Windows Featuresoptionalfeatures
Windows Firewall
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
Windows Image Acquisition (scanner)wiaacmgr
Windows Magnifiermagnify
Windows Management Infrastructurewmimgmt.msc
Windows Memory Diagnostic Schedulermdsched
Windows Mobility Center (Mobile PCs only)mblctr
Windows PowerShellpowershell
Windows PowerShell ISEpowershell_ise
Windows Security Action Centerwscui.cpl
Windows Script Host (VBScript)wscript NAME_OF_SCRIPT.VBS
Windows System Security Tool. Encrypt the SAM database.
(boot password.)
Windows Updatewuapp
Windows Update Standalone Installerwusa
Windows Version (About Windows)winver